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Bloomberg: Do you look like a robot?

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    There’s an invisible force driving the most popular options trade of the year — one that gives Wall Street pros and day traders alike the power to turn a $1 investment into a $1,000 stock bet.

    Investors are wagering on the daily gyrations of American equity benchmarks by dashing in and out of trading contracts that expire within 24 hours — known by the “0DTE” moniker — with less upfront capital than meets the eye. The hidden fuel for the frenzy: Quirks in the ecosystem of the derivatives marketplace that makes these zero-days-to-expiry options look cheap.


    Article information

    Author: Dylan Thompson

    Last Updated: 1702129803

    Views: 1185

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (104 voted)

    Reviews: 96% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Dylan Thompson

    Birthday: 1940-09-30

    Address: 7411 Schmidt Junction Suite 383, Lukemouth, PA 20345

    Phone: +4521523266281564

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Gardening, Coffee Roasting, Hiking, Video Editing, Web Development, Scuba Diving, Pottery

    Introduction: My name is Dylan Thompson, I am a talented, Open, audacious, variegated, venturesome, enterprising, treasured person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.