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Citizens Private Bank hopes to win over affluent former lenders

Citizens Private Bank Wants to Woo Wealthy Clients of Failed Lenders

VIDEO: Citizens Private Bank Wants to Woo Wealthy Clients of Failed Lenders
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A Citizens bank branch in New York, US, on Friday, July 7, 2023. Citizens Financial Group Inc. is scheduled to release earnings figures on July 19.Photographer: Michael Nagle/Bloomberg

Citizens Financial Group Inc. rolled out a private bank as it seeks to capture wealthy clients of regional lenders that were felled by the turmoil earlier this year.

Citizens Private Bank has already attracted about $500 million in deposits and investments since its soft launch in September and is targeting about $10 billion each in deposits, loans and assets under management.

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Citizens Private Bank Wants to Woo Wealthy Clients of Failed Lenders


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Author: Scott Romero

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Name: Scott Romero

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Hobby: Board Games, Skiing, Cross-Stitching, Crochet, Cycling, Sailing, Painting

Introduction: My name is Scott Romero, I am a exquisite, vivid, multicolored, courageous, honest, ingenious, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.