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Gen Z is a difficult audience for advertisers to reach Here are some strategies for using online education tools to help brands stand out from the crowd

  • Online education tools pose a unique opportunity for advertisers to engage Gen Z.
  • Quizlet helps brands reach 60 million monthly active users — 90% being Gen Z and millennials.
  • Tapping into Gen Z's values is necessary for any brand looking to earn their loyalty.

Gen Z are digital natives — the first generation without knowledge of life before the internet. They are ambitious and seek brands that reflect their values. 

Understanding and resonating with this demographic is a dynamic undertaking that requires marketers to be present, flexible, and always listening. Simply capturing Gen Z's attention can be tricky given trends, preferred social media channels, and their ever-evolving personal values.

Keeping up and aligning with their core interests is key for marketers hoping to resonate with Gen Z. 

Education poses a unique opportunity for advertisers

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Learning isn't a hobby or side project for 18-24 year-olds; it's their main focus. 

That being said, communities surrounding education are great places to engage this elusive demographic. Particularly, the online learning site and study tool, Quizlet, is a crowd favorite among both Gen Z and millennials. Being on a platform that helps students achieve their academic goals means being with them on the journey that's most core to their life.

And advertisers are especially eager for space on Quizlet's platform to grab the attention of its 60 million monthly active users, which extends worldwide to 130 countries and spans 18 languages. 

Andrew Roth, founder, and CEO of dcdx, a Gen Z research and strategy firm, feels that education-related behaviors are telling indicators of Gen Z's deeper values. A recent LinkedIn report found that those values include learning, career success, and financial security. 1  

So it's no wonder Quizlet is integrated into the lives of many high-achieving young people. The platform providing homework help and study support set students up for success at any stage in their educational journey. And because users are so motivated to excel, their engagement and loyalty to the site place Quizlet as one of the world's largest education and development platforms.2

In fact, 20% of total weekly online studying time is spent with Quizlet.3 ComScore reported in February 2022 that 18- to 24-year-olds were 2.2 times more likely to visit Quizlet than the average website. 4 

And it doesn't stop there because Quizlet's relationships continue to grow, even as users develop personally and professionally. The ComScore report also noted that 18- to 34-year-olds spent 133% more minutes on Quizlet than the average internet site.

What to consider when marketing to Gen Z

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Aligning with trusted, mission-driven organizations and causes that Gen Z values are necessary for brands looking to develop long-term relationships and earn loyalty. 

The Sprout Social Index, Edition XVII: Accelerate, found that 50% of Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy from brands that demonstrate a true understanding of customers' wants and needs.5

Quizlet ranks highly on these fronts — it is Gen Z's number two most trusted brand and among the top three brands that Gen Z views as supporting causes.6  

Education itself is one of the top causes Gen Z is most passionate about, along with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and the environment. Moreover, Gen Z wants to see brands actively involved in these causes.7 It's also important for marketers to remember that diversity spans race, gender, identity, and orientation for this generation. Specific, top-of-mind causes last year included the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, racial equality, LGBTQ rights, and gender equality. 

"As a global learning platform, our audience is composed of ambitious, diverse, and goal-centric learners. Our student audience is loyal and attentive and uses Quizlet for every phase of personal, academic, and professional development," said Matt Glotzbach, CEO of Quizlet.

"For advertisers, this presents a unique opportunity to build long-term affinity with Gen Z and Millennials while also investing in a platform that aligns with their core values and helps fuel an equitable and accessible education ecosystem." 

Bottom line: Brands engaging this highly motivated audience on trusted channels that support their achievement will enjoy long-term resonance and relevance. 

Learn more about advertising on Quizlet here.

This post was created by Insider Studios with Quizlet Ads. 

1LinkedIn's Gen Z on the Move infographic (date created not given)  

2Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Education, Total Audience, September 2021, US

3Quizlet Maru / Blue Brand Health Report, Nov 2021

4Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Education, Persons 18-24, February 2022, US


6YPulse brand tracker data among 13-39-year-olds in the US, fielded March – December 2020


8Quantilope Consumers' Brand Expectations Around Race and Representation 2021

9IFC Insights, Apr 28, 2022

10YPulse Gen Z's Top 10 Personal Goals

11 LinkedIn 2021 Workplace Learning Report


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Name: Wesley Francis

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Introduction: My name is Wesley Francis, I am a receptive, Precious, unreserved, welcoming, transparent, talented, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.