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When the Croke Park general sale begins, how much they cost, and the Coldplay Dublin pre-sale

Coldplay has announced new dates for the 2024 Music of the Spheres world tour.

The band has been performing for months already, and has now committed to 16 new international dates next year, including two in Dublin.

What can we expect from the tour?


The Music of the Spheres world tour is the eighth concert tour from the band, and was their first post-Covid.

Led by Chris Martin, the band are known for their anthemic songs and light displays during their live shows, and this huge open-air event is expected to be no different.

The sell-out show has been lauded for its green credentials, which claims to have the world’s first tourable battery system, kinetic dance floors that mean fans help power the show, and power bikes.

The major tour, which takes in well over 120 shows across North and South America, Asia and Europe, is also 100 per cent powered by renewable energy in almost all locations.

For each ticket sold, a tree is planted, and fans have been encouraged to travel to the gig by green transport.

Fans cheer as British singer Chris Martin of British band Coldplay performs at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen, on July 5, 2023. The concert is part of the Music of the Spheres World Tour. (Photo by Mads Claus Rasmussen / Ritzau Scanpix / AFP) / Denmark OUT (Photo by MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images)
Fans cheer as Coldplay perform in Copenhagen, Denmark on 5 July (Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/AFP via Getty Images)

What are the tour dates?


June 2024

  • 8: Athens – Olympic Stadium
  • 12: Bucharest – Arena Națională
  • 16: Budapest – Puskás Aréna
  • 22: Lyon – Groupama Stadium
  • 23: Lyon – Groupama Stadium

July 2024

  • 12: Rome – Stadio Olimpico
  • 13: Rome – Stadio Olimpico
  • 20: Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena
  • 21: Düsseldorf – Merkur Spiel-Arena
  • 28: Helsinki – Olympiastadion

August 2024

  • 15: Munich – Olympiastadion
  • 17: Munich – Olympiastadion
  • 21: Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion
  • 22: Vienna – Ernst-Happel-Stadion
  • 29: Dublin – Croke Park
  • 30: Dublin – Croke Park

How can I get tickets?


You can sign up for first access to tickets here.

The pre-sale on Tuesday, July 25 will start at 9am local time in Athens, Bucharest, Budapest, Lyon, Rome and Helsinki, and at 10am local time in Dusseldorf, Munich, Vienna and Dublin.

The general sale begins at 10am local time for all cities on Friday, July 28.


Article information

Author: Linda Brown

Last Updated: 1703366881

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Author information

Name: Linda Brown

Birthday: 1936-08-20

Address: 674 James Port Apt. 444, Lake Anthonybury, NV 01541

Phone: +4716294217851124

Job: Dental Hygienist

Hobby: Swimming, Fishing, Cocktail Mixing, Tennis, Kite Flying, Playing Chess, Coffee Roasting

Introduction: My name is Linda Brown, I am a persistent, cherished, Open, vibrant, resolute, unyielding, Determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.