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Some experts say you should invest in this new coin; is 2024 the right year to buy NEAR Protocol?


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Crypto Banter
  • NEAR Protocol surges 19% in a week but is set to pull back before year’s end.
  • Rebel Satoshi sees more investor interest after promising Rebels Round 1 investors a 92.30% gain.

The crypto market has turned green in anticipation of a bull rally in 2024. As a result, investors are wondering if top crypto coins like NEAR Protocol (NEAR) will deliver significant returns in the coming year. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an upcoming meme coin, has attracted massive investor interest after promising a 150% presale ROI.

Between NEAR Protocol and Rebel Satoshi, which is the best cryptocurrency to buy for significant gains in 2024? Let’s find out!

NEAR Protocol Rakes In 19% Gains In a Week: What’s Next?

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NEAR Protocol has performed commendably over the past seven days. On November 27, NEAR was trading at around $1.75. However, the bullish news of NEAR Protocol transactions surpassing 13.935 on December 1 drew attention to NEAR. As a result, NEAR’s price increased significantly.

By December 4, NEAR had stabilized at around $2.09. This price means NEAR has gained 19.43% in a week. This performance is alluring, but does it make NEAR a good crypto to buy for massive gains in 2024? According to analysts, NEAR Protocol will correct downward as the buzz around the increase in its transaction volume dies down.

To this end, analysts set the end-of-2023 NEAR prediction at $2.00. Moreover, analysts predict NEAR will continue shedding value to close 2024 at $1.61. Analysts peg this forecast on NEAR losing investors to tokens that have a bullish price trajectory. As such, experts advise investors to add NEAR to the list of altcoins to watch!

Rebel Satoshi Promises Rebels Round 1 Investors a 92.30% ROI!

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Rebel Satoshi, a new meme coin that aims to secure a $100 million market cap by creating a robust community that rebels against centralization, has achieved significant milestones during its public presale. The first achievement for Rebel Satoshi was selling 10 million $RBLZ tokens in 48 hours.

Moreover, $RBLZ saw the Early Bird Round of its presale sell out in a record-breaking three weeks. Rebel Satoshi has achieved these feats due to the increasing demand for $RBLZ. $RBLZ is the governance and membership token of the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem. As such, it grants investors access to cool features like an NFT marketplace and a P2E game, to mention a few.

As of December, Rebel Satoshi had kickstarted Rebels Round 1 of its ongoing public presale. Investors can use Bitcoin (BTC) and 50 other cryptos to buy $RBLZ at $0.013 during this round. Notably, Rebel Satoshi has set $RBLZ’s listing price at $0.025. Once $RBLZ hits this mark, it will have generated a 92.30% ROI for investors.

Moreover, $RBLZ will offer investors who joined the Early Bird Round of its presale a 150% ROI when it surges to $0.025. This projected price action explains why investors consider $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy now!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

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Author: Robert Howard

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Name: Robert Howard

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Introduction: My name is Robert Howard, I am a intrepid, resolute, venturesome, Precious, expert, unguarded, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.